January 16, 2019 1 min read

Have you ever noticed that there is a cut on the heel piece of our shoes? 


Yes! That cut is what I am talking about. It’s not a defect. It serves a purpose and has a very interesting history behind it.

A bit of Shoe Making History

Let’s travel back to the Victorian era, when men used to take their appearance and dressing style seriously. They noticed that sometimes, while wearing their trousers, the corner of the heel of the shoe used to tear the fibers of the trousers apart.



As a solution to the trousers problem, shoemakers introduced a small cut on the heel, and that’s how this corner cut came into existence.

These cuts were only found in the shoes of very well dressed gentlemen and that’s how it got its name as the Gentlemen Cut.

Nowadays, they are largely a sign of a well-made pair of shoes and a nice example of the attention to detail that is characteristic of a good shoemaker.

Get Inspired Highlights of the Week

Find below a few designs that caught our eye this week:


Do you want to see more? Visit our Get Inspired Gallery and access hundreds of styles for inspirational purposes. New styles added every week!

Team Chêne 

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Sizing Chart


 All our shoes are true size.
If you need any help please click here :


 All our shoes are standard D width.
If you have wide feet, please select next size up.


How to measure your waist